Supporting MIDAS Meter® Owners Worldwide

The ever-growing global population of deployed MIDAS Meters® (Score Group plc’s valve leak detection, quantification and trending equipment) has required Score Diagnostics Limited’s training team to be highly active in the delivery of their certified operator training course. The following infographic highlights the trained and certified operator population growth from just this year alone.pic

The increase in demand for MIDAS Meter® training to be delivered to operators has highlighted that the uptake of valve condition and performance monitoring equipment and systems is becoming more widespread than ever. The technology is being adopted at an increasing pace, driven by the fact that people are more aware of the value of asset integrity management as a way of ensuring that their assets are performing their required functions effectively, efficiently and safely. Valve diagnostics is supporting the global trend towards reliability centred maintenance activites.

If you would like to know more about valve condition and performance monitoring, please call Score Diagnostics Limited on 01779 485530.

Source: Midas