V-MAP® G3 Benefits
- Maximises plant safety and availability
- Significant operating cost reduction
- Maximises process efficiency / profits
- Focuses maintenance activity
- Passive and non-invasive
- Performance standards for all Safety Critical Elements
- Condition and performance reporting on every valve stroke
- Widest possible diagnostic coverage
- Fully independent of all valve and accessories manufacturers
- Unique and bespoke system components
- Evidence to drive proactive and predictive maintenance activities
- Remote monitoring of all valve operations
- Manages risk and reduces exposure to failures for personnel
- Trending of valve, actuator and drive train over product life cycles
- Margins monitoring supports predictive approach to maintenance
- Automatic alerts and warnings of deterioration in performance
- Measures compliance with acceptable criteria
The third generation of V-MAP® G3 has all the benefits of the previous system but also benefits from being easier to install (in both Brownfield and Greenfield Sites), reduced weight and space requirements and reduced installation costs.