
Best Available Critical Valve Monitoring Solution Delivering
Maximum Diagnostic Coverage

Valve Condition and Performance Monitoring Enters a New Era


V-MAP® G3 Software

Once the server has collected the raw data from the various sources, it is stored and the following functions performed to transform the data in to information:

  • Manipulation to obtain derived data
  • The derived data is then analysed by use of proprietary algorithms for:
    • Raising of alerts if performance characteristics exceed pre-set alarm or notification levels
    • Comparison and trending with previous readings, benchmarks and design calculations
    • Comparison of sensor outputs to detect sensor drift or malfunction
  • Provision of summary reports

The capabilities of the software to raise an alert if parameters exceed pre-set levels can effectively minimise the number of personnel interventions required at the plant for monitoring activities, yet maintain the required level of safety integrity. The V-MAP® G3 system ensures any and all valve condition and performance issues are flagged immediately and can therefore be resolved more efficiently.

Example Of VMAP G3 Software Example Of VMAP G3 Software

Score offer an ongoing updates service for all installed V-MAP® G3 Systems with technical support, software maintenance, engineering analysis, data interpretation and valve engineering expertise.