Valve Condition and Performance Monitoring Enters a New Era
V-MAP® G3 has been developed, based on Score’s long term experience in valve and actuator repair, design, diagnostics, data acquisition, and system design and construction. The basic monitoring techniques and principles have been well developed in the past. It is the hardware and software developments of recent years that have enabled those techniques and principles to be implemented in a cost effective modular system design: One that can be tailored to process specific monitoring requirements, communications and protocols of the installation’s automation system.
Click on each timeline plot to read more
Score Started
Valve Diagnostic Tools Adopted
Research into Midas Valve Leak Detection Started
Original V-MAP® System Design Created
First installation V-MAP® Delivered
MIDAS Meter® Launched
Second Generation V-MAP® Launched
Third Generation V-MAP® Launched
Future System Enhancements & New Diagnostic Equipment